Please read our Customer Privacy Policy for a clear explanation of how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your information.

What is personal data?
We treat all data relating to identified or identifiable individuals or linked or linkable to them as “personal data”, regardless of where the individual lives. This means that data that directly identifies you (such as your name) is personal data and so is data that does not directly identify you, but can reasonably be used to identify you (such as the serial number of your device).

This Privacy Policy addresses how personal data is processed on our website.

Data that is collected
We treat all data relating to identified or identifiable individuals or linked or linkable to them as “personal data”, regardless of where the individual lives. This means that data that directly identifies you (such as your name) is personal data and so is data that does not directly identify you, but can reasonably be used to identify you (such as the serial number of your device).

This Privacy Policy addresses how personal data is processed on our website.

Use of Personal Data
Personal data is used to operate our services, to process your transactions, to communicate with you, to prevent fraud and for security purposes and to be in compliance with the law. We may also use personal data for other purposes with your consent.

We use your personal data only when we have a valid legal basis to do so. Depending on the circumstance, we may rely on your consent or the fact that processing is necessary to fulfill a contract with you, to protect your vital interests or those of others, or to comply with the law. We may also process your personal data where we believe it is in our legitimate interests or those of others, taking into account your interests, rights and expectations.

Operation of our services. Your personal data is collected for the operation of our services, including personal data collected to improve our offerings, for internal purposes such as audits or data analysis, or for troubleshooting.

Processing your transactions. In order to process transactions, it is necessary to collect data such as your name and purchase and payment information.

Communicating with you. To communicate with you, contact you regarding your transactions or account, promote our products and services, provide you with other relevant information, or request information or feedback from you. From time to time, we may use your personal information to send you important notices, such as communications about purchases and changes to terms, conditions and policies. Because this information is important to your interaction with the data, you may not opt out of receiving these important notices.

Security and fraud prevention. To protect users, and for loss prevention and fraud prevention, including data protection, it is necessary to pre-screen or scan uploaded content for possibly illegal content.

Personal data used for personalization. If you choose to personalize your services or communications where these choices exist, the information collected will be used to provide personalized communications or services. You can learn more about how the relevant services use information to personalize your experience by reviewing the private information submitted when you first use a service where you are asked for permission to use your personal data.

Compliance with Law. To comply with applicable laws, for example, to comply with tax or reporting obligations, or to comply with a legitimate government request.

Personal data is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including as described in this Privacy Policy or in our service-specific privacy notices, or as required by law. We will retain your personal data for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and the service-specific privacy summaries. When assessing these periods, we first carefully consider the need to retain the personal data collected and, if it must be retained, we strive to retain it for as short a period as is legally possible.

Sharing of personal data
Personal data may be shared with affiliated companies, service providers acting on our behalf, our partners, developers and publishers or others who follow their instructions. In addition, personal data is not shared with independent vendors for promotional purposes.

Service Providers. Third parties may be engaged to act as service providers to perform certain tasks on our behalf, such as processing or storing data, including personal data, in connection with the use of our services and the delivery of products to customers. Service providers are obligated to process personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and according to our instructions. They may not use the personal data we share with them for their own purposes and must delete or return the personal data once they have complied with our request.

Partners. Occasionally, we may partner with independent providers to offer services or other offerings. Our partners provide financial services. Partners are required to protect your personal data.

Developers and publishers from whom you obtain a subscription. If you purchase a subscription from a third party, we create a unique subscriber ID for you and the developer or publisher. The subscriber ID may be used to provide reports to the developer or publisher, including information about the subscription you purchased and the country in which you reside. If you cancel all of your subscriptions from a particular developer or publisher, the subscriber ID will be reset after 180 days if you do not resubscribe. This information is provided to developers or publishers to help them understand the performance of their subscriptions.

Other. Personal information may be shared with others at your instruction or with your consent, such as when we share information with your carrier to activate your account. Similarly, we may disclose information about you if we determine that it is necessary or appropriate for national security, law enforcement or other matters of public importance. We may also disclose information about you when there is a legal basis to do so, if we determine that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our terms and conditions or to protect our operations or our users, or in the event of a reorganization, merger or sale.

Protection of Personal Information
Good privacy depends on good security. We use physical, technical and administrative safeguards to protect personal data, taking into account the nature of the personal data and processing, and the threats involved. We are always working constantly to improve these protection measures in order to keep your personal data secure.